BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) diet is a raw diet designed to provide cats and dogs with a modified homemade diet that consists of muscle meat, raw meaty bones, vegetables and fruits while eliminating all processed foods.



Cleaner Teeth & Fresher Breath

Cleaner Teeth & Fresher Breath

The starchy ingredients in commercial pet food cause tartar build-up and eventually dental diseases. Under a raw diet, every time they rip, shred, and crunch down on raw meaty bones and muscle tissues they are receiving a thorough teeth cleaning.

Ideal Weight Maintenance

Ideal Weight Maintenance

Raw diet increases the metabolic rate in dogs and cats, which helps them to lose unwanted fat and gain muscle mass. Your pet’s physical condition can be further improved with a regular workout routine.

Stronger Immune System

Stronger Immune System

Feeding raw provides a natural source of protein, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids that cats and dogs require. This strengthens the immune system which serve as a foundation to fight present diseases and prevent against possible future illnesses.

Smaller And Less Smelly Stools

Smaller And Less Smelly Stools

Most commercial diets comprises of ingredients such as wheat, corn, soy, oats etc. which are undigested and passed out as bulk waste resulting in large smelly stool. When on a raw diet with natural sources of protein, your pet is actually digesting its food and making better use of the nutrients from it, so there is less waste. Stool will be firmer and near odourless.

Improved Energy Levels

Improved Energy Levels

Dogs and cats metabolize their energy from raw animal fat instead of carbohydrates. Therefore, a diet that is high in carbohydrates and sugar spikes energy levels making pets tired easily. A BARF diet that contains fresh foods instead of unnecessary starches, carbohydrates and sugars helps in maintaining consistent energy levels in pets.

Healthier Skin & Coat

Healthier Skin & Coat

As fur is largely made up of protein, a dull coat is often related to low quality protein or lack of protein in the diet. Similarly, oily and smelly skin is often a result of candida yeast, which is triggered when the diet is high in carbohydrates and sugars.Skin and coat improvement is one of the first few changes you will notice when you switch to a fresh whole food diet which contains the necessary proteins, vitamins and nutrients to maintain a thick and shiny coat.


High in Carbohydrates Resulting in Yeast Infection

High in Carbohydrates Resulting in Yeast Infection

Most commercial kibbles contain between 25-50% carbohydrates which your cat and dog have no dietary need for. A diet with excessive carbohydrates, starches and grains not only leads to obesity but also encourages candida (yeast infection) to grow and spread resulting in an imbalance within the gut of your pet.

Plant Protein

Protein From Plant Sources Instead of Whole Fresh Foods

Plant proteins such as grains and vegetables commonly found in commercial dry food do not provide the essential amino acids that your cat and dog require, which comes from animal protein such meat, fish and eggs. What your cat or dog needs is not carbohydrates and low quality proteins but rather whole fresh foods containing the essential nutrients, vitamins, and amino acids needed to for a healthy immune system.

Low Moisture Content

Low Moisture Content

A cat requires water in its food, as they do not drink a lot of water, unlike dogs or humans. Cats have evolved by getting most of their water intake from the foods they eat. A cat on commercial kibbles will have a hard time making up for lack of water in its food which leads to even more concentrated urine. This can result in urinary tract disease.

Tooth and Gum Problems

Tooth and Gum Problems

As kibbles are generally small in size, it makes it difficult for cats and dogs to chew, so they generally swallow the whole pallet which does not help in cleaning the surface of it’s teeth. Furthermore, when kibbles come in contact with the saliva, the kibbles will stick on the surface of the teeth causing tartar and plaque.

Cancer & Liver Complications

Cancer & Liver Complications

Cancer and liver disease are caused by a multitude of factors such as genetics, over-vaccinations and even diet. Although diet alone is not a main factor if a dog or cat will contract cancer, it plays a major role once cancer or liver complications are officially diagnosed. A fresh whole food diet can help manage the disease and possibly help reverse liver complications. On the other hand, commercial kibble which is high in carbohydrates and sugars allows cancer to grow and spread within the body.

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